The Club Balonmano Abanca Ademar, a historical reference in León sport due to its successes in major national and international competitions supported by a large social base, paid tribute to the Regulatory Council for its work in “encouraging, disseminating and promoting” the wines of the León Designation of Origin. It did so with the presentation of a commemorative plaque by its president, Cayetano Franco, to his counterpart Rafael Blanco, prior to the Liga Plenitude Asobal match that pitted the León team against Bathco Torrelavega at the Palacio de Deportes in the capital. The sporting entity extended the tribute to the Bierzo Designation of Origin in the figure of its president, Avelino Pérez. In addition, the delegation of the León Designation of Origin rewarded the enormous and important work of the Civil Protection volunteers who guarantee order and security in the sports centre during the official competition matches with two lots of generic Albarín and Prieto Picudo wines.
Balonmano Ademar understands, and this is what it communicated to the media and the fans, that “wine is a food with a great cultural and historical tradition and that, in the territories where it is grown, the vine is a sustainable and structuring element of the geographical area it occupies“. And furthermore, “the designations of origin are entities that favour the improvement of wine production, also contributing to increasing the competitiveness, production and quality of the wineries covered by their regulations, fundamentally through the enhancement and promotion of the wines they make, making them fundamental elements for the socio-economic development of their geographical areas“.
Before, during and after the meeting, the Regulatory Council of the León Designation of Origin displayed promotional material about its activity and its wines in the hall of the Palacio de Deportes.
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